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Maya Angelou’s Alone is a poem about loneliness and togetherness, a ‘thinking out loud’ reflection on vulnerability and community ‘Nobody, but nobody, can make it out here alone.’ Though written in 1975, it clearly resonates with the alone/together experiences we’ve all lived through during the pandemic.

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As I was growing I really didn’t understand who my mother was. It was a different time in the 1950s. Racism and sexism were practiced unapologetically. Rebellion and resistance were not part of the American Psyche. Patriotism and conformance to the law was the mode of the day, even when that law was unjustly applied. My mother was not having any of that; she confronted and challenged the authorities and the police whenever she felt an injustice was being imposed upon her, which for the time was extremely unusual. She was often branded as a troublemaker.

In my family, the older members; my grandparents and great aunts and uncles, who regularly carried guns and often had altercations with the police, thought my mother was strange. They thought she brought unnecessary attention to herself because she fought other people’s battles. They didn’t understand and neither did I at the time, that my mother’s actions were dictated by her principles.

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Today’s #GoogleDoodle celebrates Dr. Maya Angelou’s 90th birthday! Set to her poem #StillIRise, the video Doodle includes her own voice along with the voices of other individuals whose lives she has inspired.

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Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou

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Join us as we celebrate a life well lived! Take time to read, listen, view and be inspired. Trail your wisps of glory and once you’ve clicked every page, make sure you return as we continue to expand the experience. Together, let’s celebrate life and joy!

The Angelou Johnson Family



Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise is the first documentary about Dr. Maya Angelou. The Maya Angelou Documentary will reflect on how the events of history, culture, and the arts shaped Dr. Angelou’s life and how she, in turn, helped shape our own worldview through her autobiographical literature and activism. We hope to shed light on the untold aspects of her life and to educate audiences about her story. – LEARN MORE HERE – – WATCH VIDEO INTERVIEW –





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